
to couples...

from : dream everyday

apakah saya seorang bridezilla?

Jawabannya.. kadang - kadang, tapi i always try not to sweat the small stuff.. Hhhhhh..

Things that make us Bridezilla against our will by www.bridezilla.com

1) Our younger sisters announcing their pregnancies at our engagement parties and stealing our thunder.

2) Wedding Barbie. If we didn't have this little tulle-swathed blonde trollop thrust into our arms at the tender age of three when we could barely chew solid foods, maybe we wouldn't be so convinced that such perfection is the norm-nor would we have started planning our wedding before we gained basic motor skills.

3) The groom's pansy lack of involvement. Like, if he would do ANYTHING, maybe we wouldn't have to do everything. Unless of course "proposing" is suddenly Latin for "passing the buck." And even if it were, we'd be the ones to know since we are smart and helped them write all their grad school term papers so they would at last finish school at age 30 and finally pop the freaking question already. So the least you fellas could do is help us weave some crinoline around some calla lillies. XOXO

4) Wedding Vendors, a.k.a the White Mafia trying to screw us out of every cent. All their stressful one-day discounts, crazy contracts and hidden costs, forcing us to make snap decisions and spend way more than we said we wanted to. It's totally unfair and would make anyone mad, but because we're brides, we get the blame. I mean, your wedding is the one time it's advisable to have an attorney in order to go shopping. Are we the only people who see that's unreasonable?

5) Bridal Boot camps. See, when troops go through boot camp, it is notably the worst experience of their lives and they can act as wretched as they want. But when we put ourselves through equally rigorous programs (carrot soup diets, single finger "engagement ring" push-ups) no one's driving around with a bumper sticker supporting us, offering us badges of courage, or waving flags as we ride by in floats. Such painful injustice breeds....Bridezillas!

6) The gnawing reality that we will only be sleeping with one person for the rest of our life. What, you don't think women care about that stuff?

7) The crippling inferiority of bachelorette parties to bachelor parties. We're stuck painting spice racks and listening to Amy Winehouse while our other half parties it up table-top at the Venetian, and you wonder why we are depressed?

8) Stupid wedding dress sizes telling you that you're an eight when you are a six. We have no idea when this conspiracy started, but nothing puts a girl in a bad mood faster than hearing her dress size is two times bigger than she thought it was-especially when she's been on diet of straight grapefruit and gingerale for six months, but still has to pay $250 in alterations. Irritating!

9) Martha Stewart. We blame bridezilla syndrome on Martha for setting unrealistic expectations and making us feel super-guilty that we can't, say, create our own origami swans in sugar cane cages. Sorry we were busy getting engaged and didn't have a year in the slamber lying on a cot to master that particular craft. Also we hate her for creating burning resentment in our bridesmaids when we try and make them do it for us.

10) Not having a big enough ring, even though you have already figured out from jewelry commercials that the size of your ring is an exact correlation to the amount your groom loves and cares about you. It's hard to remain plucky and cheerful with that kind of cold, hard science announcing your groom's puny passion. What can we say? SIZE MATTERS.

Last but not least, no such blame list would be complete without at least mentioning media propaganda and or course, violence in video games. Burn in Hades, Women's Entertainment Television.

Yang saya bold merah itulah yang kira - kira bisa merubah saya jadi bridezilla...

The Bridezilla Test: Is Your Friend a Bad Bride?  

Mudah - mudahan saya gak berubah jadi seperti ini ya...


i want one like this

i want one like this. terlihat seperti effortless, ga repot, sepertinya...



bukti bukti ke-norak-an

Di bawah ini adalah beberapa halaman dari 'diary' saya jaman SMA, bukti - bukti bahwa saya, kalau sudah menyangkut idola - idola saya, jadi sedikit norak..

*geli sendiri deh.. hihihi xp

dreams do come true

Walt Disney pernah bilang,  'All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.' Dalam kasus saya, saya dulu pernah mimpi (yang gak pernah kepikiran bakal jadi kenyataan..) salah satunya adalah melihat brian molko dari placebo nyanyi live di hadapan saya..

Ternyata tanggal 16 februari kemarin, mimpi itu jadi kenyataan.. saya memberanikan diri membeli tiket konsernya yang mahal itu demi bertemu idola dan cinta matinya saya.. hahaha memang kalo menyangkut idola - idola saya yang ada tiga orang itu (Daniel Johns, Brian Molko dan Otong Koil) saya berubah jadi semacam anak abg yang baru puber alias lebay norak..

Selasa, 16 februari 2010 itulah saya menyaksikan Brian Molko nyanyi live.. Pas masuk tennis indoor, brian, stefan, steve udah mainin intro 'for what it's worth', saya bersama seorang teman langsung lari ke depan, tapi saya gak berani terlalu ke depan, takut kegencet, maklum walopun udh pake wedges saya tetep ngerasa pendek.. Jarak kurang lebih 50 meter buat saya sudah cukup..

Malam itu saya begitu terkesima, sampe gak kepikiran buat ambil foto yang banyak padahal saya bawa kamera lho.. Hhhhhhhhh.. Agak nyesel juga deh..  

how can i not love him? xp  
foto ini punya nya http://kaen07.multiply.com/ yang kebetulan berdiri lebih dekat ke panggung dibandingkan saya...
sedangkan foto ini diambil dari kamera saya...

Well, intinya malam itu mimpi saya kesampaian, efeknya sampe sekarang saya masih belum bisa ngelupain konser malam itu, buka - buka youtube terus liat video - videonya tour nya Placebo sampe mindahin video - video itu ke ipod saya..

Satu mimpi jadi kenyataan di tanggal 16 Februari.. mudah - mudahan satu mimpi yang lain akan jadi kenyataan juga tanggal 16 Mei nanti ya.. Amin..



prewedding penuh kontroversi.. hehehe gak deng, bukan kontroversi tapi penuh kebimbangan, tdnya diputuskan sudah tidak usah ada prewedding tp krn kakaknya cpp adalah seorang fotografer profesional cieeh.. dia mgkn malu masa adeknya seorang fotografer tapi gak punya koleksi foto prewedding..

akhirnyaaa terjadilah hari minggu pagi - pagi buta, saya bangun jam empat pagi, demi ngeblow rambut sendiri dan hampir sejam masang bulu mata palsu sendiriii.. pas sampai di venue tempat pemotretan didandanin lagi oleh kakak ipar sang cpp yang koleksi alat make up nya sangat lengkap hihihi..

property foto prewedding ini cukup sederhana, cuman 1 vespa piaggio et4 kesayangan cpp (sayangnya ke vespa ini melebihi sayangnya cpp pd diri saya.. hihihi)

salah satu lokasi pemotretan yg kami pilih cukup berkesan buat kami berdua, eh mgkn buat saya doang kali yah.. krn di tempat inilah kami berdua memutuskan utk pacaran pertama kalinya.. (kenapa pertama kali? ya kan kita putus nyambung bbrapa kali tuh.. xp) bukan di cabang yg ini sih, tp cabang yg di barito (menyedihkan tmptnya akhirnya tutup.. tp buka lg di deket rmh kitaa..)

proses pemotretan gak makan waktu lama, sblm jam 12 siang udh selse koq.. nah ini dia teaser fotonyaaa...


ps: oh iya.. doakan saya sering sering dihinggapi rasa semangat utk menulis di blog ini yah.. xp